Robin Wise

1998 Series
2001 Series
2007 Series
Robin Wise

Robin Wise serves as technical and music director and as mix engineer for The DNA Files. From her studio in Asheville, NC, Robin works as a mix engineer, digital editor, sound recordist and sound designer. Telling a story with sound, Robin creates audio with a conductor’s ear.

Robin’s credits include countless radio documentaries for clients such as SoundVision Productions, Hearing Voices, Musician’s Radio on XMPR, Worlds of Difference, and for independent producers. Robin masters audio books for Simon and Schuster, including The Secret and titles by noted authors Dr. Phil McGraw and Dr. Stephen Covey. Robin’s multimedia production clients include Partners for Community Health and The Children’s Village of Sonoma County, California.

With a background in music education, Robin taught digital audio technology in the Graduate School of Journalism at the University of California at Berkeley. As an audio consultant to media professionals, she has also provided audio training at SoundPrint, the United Nations, Marketplace and AARP.